Sports Broadcasting Moves to ETSN

Sports Broadcasting Moves to ETSN

In an effort to better align its programming, TigerVision has announced that beginning immediately all sports broadcasts will be rebranded under the ETSN flag.  The Ephrata Tigers Sports Network (ETSN) will continue to promote and broadcast local athletic programming.  The change allows for TigerVision to continue to expand as a digital media platform and broadcast provider.  All ETSN events will be shown on the TigerVision channel and can be found at, as well as, directly online at

“By reimagining TigerVision as the umbrella entity for our multimedia programming and digital content we create additional opportunities for our staff,” stated TigerVision’s advisor and executive producer Ryan Shannon. “Additionally, by creating multi-level programming we are able to streamline viewer desires.”

ETSN will also create further sponsorship opportunities and allow direct ties to athletic contests at Ephrata.